Entry is by submission of an Application Form and all applicants are subject to interview.
Payment plan options are available for learners – please contact accounts@icppd.com for more information.
Blended Delivery
for 2023-2024 Academic Year
Coláiste Chiaráin, Summerhill, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, N37 AH97
Online – using Zoom platform
At ICPPD our commitment is to holistic development at all times. In recent times we have experienced facilitating many of our programmes online and using distance learning methods in various ways. We have learned that learning outcomes were able to be facilitated with surprising possibilities and wholesome results.
Going forward, while we remain committed to the particular opportunities offered in the face-to-face group learning experience, we will be offering some of the training online using Zoom and our VLE, making for an increasingly rich learning experience for learners.
November 2024
Please contact info@icppd.com to enquire about 2023/2024 Academic Year commencement date.
110 hours (plus) part-time course, delivered over 7 weekends/15 days, 9.30am – 5.30pm
In addition, there are a maximum of group feedback sessions during the year – 2 Friday evenings [5.30 pm – 7.30 pm], plus an individual progression meeting at the end of your course.
All dates will be scheduled and identified on the programme timetable at the commencement of the programme.
To facilitate broader and deeper learning for programme participants, a minimum of 2 weekends will be facilitated by International Guest Facilitators/experts in the area of Supervision.
Attendance at all training days, evenings and progression meetings is mandatory to successfully complete the programme and qualify for the award of Diploma.
ICPPD endorses and appreciates supervision as a profession in its own right. Supervision, and the associated intellectual, emotional, financial and time commitment, is seen as an investment in a useful personal and professional resource. ICPPD’s philosophy, and that of the programme, supports supervision in the facilitation of learning which includes the knowledge, competence and skills required for the management of the supervisory context, environment and relationship, the ongoing ethical requirement of self-care, and the ultimate responsibility for good practice and quality service for clients engaging in therapy and with other helping professions.
Why Supervision?
We are moving into a new era of supervision characterised by a capacity for across-professional practice based on philosophies of learning rather than particular professional practices. As we do so the previous language of ‘contracting’, which highlighted roles and responsibilities, becomes less helpful. We will explore the process of negotiating and evaluating ‘learning agreements’ with supervisees.
In doing this we will consider the supervisory relationship as a participative inquiry. Within the framework of action research, both supervisors and supervisees engage in critical reflexivity and we will explore the benefit of reflexive learning journals. Dr Bobby Moore
Supervision is a place where a supervisee offers an account of their work, reflect on it and receive guidance, if appropriate. Carroll 2001.
Supervision is seen by the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP) as vital to the process and ongoing maintenance of a Counsellor’s/Psychotherapist’s competency and continued accreditation.
All IACP Members working as Counsellor/Psychotherapists are bound by the IACP Code of Ethics and Practice to monitor their work through regular Supervision, to ensure that their standard of Counselling/ Psychotherapy is competent and continues to develop.
Programme Aims
The aim of this Diploma in Advanced Supervision across Professions programme is to enable and empower participants to become competent supervisors and facilitators of learning, while working in a humanistic, integrative, holistic and creative way, which underpins the ethos of the programme and all ICPPD programmes.
Programme Objectives
This Diploma in Advanced Supervision across Professions focuses on the Skills, Theory and Practice of Supervision and is designed to enable individuals to extend their understanding and knowledge of supervision, incorporating theoretical input with opportunities for group discussion and experiential learning and exercises.
This intensive part-time programme (comprising over 110+ hours) is intended for
Applicants must be qualified professionals who are intending/have begun to supervise the work of others.
A minimum of 4 years’ accredited if a counsellor/psychotherapist or 3 years experience as a professional/clinician/practitioner is required. It is the responsibility of the applicant to check with the relevant professional body to ensure these criteria are appropriate for them.
Recommendation from the applicant’s supervisor or manager.
To secure a place on this programme please submit the following
(a) an application form
(b) a 300-word Statement of Interest Essay, explaining why you wish to engage in Supervision Training, and
(c) a letter of recommendation from your current Supervisor.
Documented evidence that an applicant meets the entry requirements must be furnished with the application form.
The application should be accompanied by a non-refundable deposit of €270.
Following a review of your application, we will call you to arrange an interview, which may be conducted by telephone or virtually.
To support a holistic and experiential experience, class numbers are limited to 20 participants and allocated on a first come first served basis following the interview.
NOTE: Trainee supervisors must hold professional indemnity insurance cover – a copy of the current insurance policy is required to be submitted by participants on commencement of the programme.
The programme learning outcomes provide participants with the opportunity to explore and develop their interest and learning in the field of Supervision and to, thereby, develop into competent, compassionate, professional practitioners.
The programmes covers:
This Diploma is delivered over 110+ hours’ class contact time, including a final integration weekend.
Programme Delivery
ICPPD is committed to delivering our Diploma in Supervision across Professions programme in an experiential classroom environment. The preferred mode of delivery is in face-to-face delivery however in compliance with IACP guidelines, or in extraordinary circumstances, an online class environment may partially facilitate synchronous learning and the teaching and delivery of the programme.
Additional scheduled requirements for this educational and training programme include
To support the holistic focus of the Diploma in Advanced Supervision across Professions programme, learners facilitate a 5-minute reflection at the beginning of each class to deepen self-awareness and encourage self-support.
Supervision Practice
Programme Quality Assurance
The holistic ethos that underpins all programmes offered at ICPPD will be inherent in this training and education course.
Facilitators and Core Tutors are warm, vibrant and supportive.
The programme is supported by a learning environment that is experiential and highly interactive with:
Modelling by the lecturers is an important facet of the learning methods.
Academic Resources
ICPPD uses Moodle, a virtual learning environment (VLE), to disseminate class material and share course-related resources, as well as news, assignment details, discussion fora, etc.
The College also provides access to EBSCO e-Library, e-Journal and other resources through Moodle. These resources facilitate the support of learners at outreach centres, and through out-of-hours times.
Learners will be shown how to access these facilities at their Induction session.
As this is a programme for mature and experienced professionals and accredited therapists, the focus of assessment includes ongoing self, peer and lecturer assessment and feedback.
The assessment of learning outcomes will be implemented through mechanism such as theoretical essays, class presentations, reflection papers and learning journal, including:
Participants who successfully complete the programme will be awarded ICPPD’s Diploma in Supervision Across Professions
– A Holistic Approach
“You know that I don't believe that anyone has ever taught anything to anyone. I question that efficacy of teaching. The only thing that I know is that anyone who wants to learn will learn. And maybe a teacher is a facilitator, a person who puts things down and shows people how exciting and wonderful it is and asks them to eat.”
Carl R. Rogers
Since its foundation, ICPPD has taken the steps necessary to ensure the delivery of a quality service in an environment that is characterised by an attitude to adult learners that is supportive and encouraging. We aim to provide an experience of learning that will develop in learners a hunger for both heart-centred wisdom and critical analysis. Our programmes are designed to be participative, experiential and to draw whenever possible on prior lived experience. The programme’s academic value is enhanced by a learning environment that is warm, vibrant, and genuine. Learners and staff interact in a mutual effort to engage in and promote the concept of lifelong learning. ICPPD’s holistic ethos underpins all interaction. This programme has been designed and is delivered, by staff who are passionate and inspired about the merit of personal development and excellence in professional counselling and psychotherapy training and education.
ICPPD reserves the right to cancel, suspend or modify in any way the matters contained in this publication.
The College reserves the right to amend the list of modules being offered for any programme.
Commencement: 23 November 2024
Award: Participants who successfully complete the programme will be awarded ICPPD’s Diploma in Supervision Across Professions – A Holistic Approach
Accreditation: This Diploma in Supervision Across Professions – A Holistic Approach is accredited by the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP). It is the responsibility of the applicant to check with their preferred professional body/association to ensure this programme meets their criteria.
Venues: Athlone – Coláiste Chiaráin, Summerhill, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, N37 AH97 (Blended delivery – partly delivered online via Zoom)
Duration: 110 hours (plus) part-time course, delivered over 7 weekends/15 days, 9.30am – 5.30pm
In addition, there are 2 group feedback sessions during the year – Friday evenings [5.30 pm – 7.30 pm], plus an individual progression meeting at the end of your course.
Course Fee: €2,750 Payment plan options are available for learners – please contact accounts@icppd.com for more information. Application Deposit €270.00 (non-refundable)
The Philosophy of Supervision at ICPPD
ICPPD endorses and appreciates supervision as a profession in its own right. Supervision, and the associated intellectual, emotional, financial and time commitment, is seen as an investment in a useful personal and professional resource.
ICPPD’s philosophy, and that of the programme, supports supervision in the facilitation of learning which includes the knowledge, competence and skills required for the management of the supervisory context, environment and relationship, the ongoing ethical requirement of self-care, and the ultimate responsibility for good practice and quality service for clients engaging in therapy and with other helping professions. The programme is strengthened by a holistic ethos which incorporates a humanistic approach, creative processes, and appreciation of the interconnectedness of body, mind and spirit.
Why Supervision?
Supervision, at its core, is a process of professional learning and development that enables individuals to reflect on and develop their knowledge, skills, and competence, through agreed and regular support with another professional. It is a collaborative process that involves guiding, instructing, challenging and supporting the supervisee. A person who performs supervision is a “supervisor”, a person who is getting supervision is the “supervisee”.
ICPPD embraces Michael’s Carroll’s approach to supervision –
“The heart of supervision is learning—the learning of the supervisee” (Carroll & Gilbert, 2005). “The medium of learning in supervision is reflection, hopefully critical reflection” (Carroll, 2009a). “The focus of learning in supervision is the work = the practice of the supervisee. The supervisor is or becomes a facilitator of supervisee-learning-from-practice (reflective practice). The what-is-being-learned of supervision is anything to do with the work: theory, skills, induction into a profession, professional savvy and wisdom, skills and competencies, self-awareness, ethical awareness and sensitivity, ability to use intuition and that array of knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and mind-sets that go to make up the professional in whatever profession. The methods used by supervisors to facilitate learning are many, ranging from teaching, training, and instruction through to role-play, skills development, self-awareness, feedback, challenge, insight, parallel process, and sharing their own experience.” – Michael Carroll.
We are moving into a new era of supervision characterised by a capacity for across-professional practice based on philosophies of learning rather than particular professional practices. As we do so the previous language of ‘contracting’, which highlighted roles and responsibilities, becomes less helpful. We will explore the process of negotiating and evaluating ‘learning agreements’ with supervisees.
In doing this we will consider the supervisory relationship as a participative inquiry. Within the framework of action research, both supervisors and supervisees engage in critical reflexivity and we will explore the benefit of reflexive learning journals. Dr Bobby Moore
Supervision is seen by the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP) as vital to the process and ongoing maintenance of a Counsellor’s/Psychotherapist’s competency and continued accreditation. All IACP Members working as Counsellor/Psychotherapists are bound by the IACP Code of Ethics and Practice to monitor their work through regular Supervision, to ensure that their standard of Counselling/ Psychotherapy is competent and continues to develop.
Who should consider this programme?
This intensive part-time programme (comprising over 110+ hours) is intended for
Programme Aims
The aim of this Diploma in Supervision across Professions – a Holistic Approach programme is to enable and empower participants to become competent supervisors and facilitators of learning, while working in a humanistic, integrative, holistic and creative way, which underpins the ethos of the programme and all ICPPD programmes (link to holistic page).
The programmes covers:
Learning & Teaching Strategies:
The programme is supported by a learning environment that is experiential and highly interactive with:
Modelling by the facilitators is an important facet of the learning methods.
Assessment Strategies:
As this is a programme for mature and experienced professionals and accredited therapists, the focus of assessment includes ongoing self, peer and lecturer assessment and feedback.
The assessment of learning outcomes will be implemented through mechanism such as:
Theoretical essays
Class presentations
Reflection papers
Learning journal.
Ongoing/in-class assessment on the use of facilitation skills, reflexivity awareness and empathetic resonance
External and Internal supervisors’ reports form an integral part of the ongoing assessment of participants on this programme.
Admission Criteria:
Applicants must be qualified professionals who are intending/have begun to supervise the work of others.
Applicants must be a minimum of 4 years’ accredited if a counsellor/psychotherapist or 3 years experience as a professional/clinician/practitioner is required.
To secure a place on this programme please submit the following
(a) application form (LINK)
(b) a 300-word Statement of Interest Essay, explaining why you wish to engage in Supervision Training, and
(c) a letter of recommendation from your current Supervisor.
Documented evidence that an applicant meets the entry requirements must be furnished with the application form.
The application should be accompanied by a non-refundable deposit of €270.
Following a review of your application, we will call you to arrange an interview, which may be conducted by telephone or virtually.
To support a holistic and experiential experience, class numbers are limited to 20 participants and allocated on a first come first served basis following the interview.
NOTE: Trainee supervisors must hold professional indemnity insurance cover – a copy of the current insurance policy is required to be submitted by participants on commencement of the programme.
Applicants entitled to a full refund of this deposit if they decide to cancel within 7 days of receipt of their application. Should an application be unsuccessful or cancelled by the applicant following this 7-day period, an administration fee of €100 is retained, and the balance of €170 is refunded to the applicant.
When an applicant accepts a place on an ICPPD programme, any fees paid become subject to ICPPD’s Financial Terms & Conditions, which are outlined in the ICPPD’s Quality Assurance policies in relation to refunds, payment plan, etc.
Additional Programme Information:
This Diploma is delivered over 110+ hours’ class contact time, including a final integration weekend.
Learners must meet the attendance requirement of minimum 85%.
Additional scheduled requirements for this educational and training programme include
To support the holistic focus of the Diploma in Advanced Supervision across Professions programme, learners facilitate a 5-minute reflection at the beginning of each class to deepen self-awareness and encourage self-support.
Supervision Practice
Programme Quality Assurance
Academic Resources
Academic Writing Workshops
Participants who successfully complete the programme will be awarded ICPPD’s Diploma in Supervision Across Professions
– A Holistic Approach
This Diploma in Supervision Across Professions – A Holistic Approach is accredited by IACP .
It is the responsibility of the applicant to check with their preferred professional body/association to ensure this programme meets their criteria.
Carl R. Rogers
Who better to tell you about the college than the learners themselves
Disclaimer: ICPPD reserves the right to cancel, suspend or modify in any way the matters contained in this publication. Privacy Policy