BACHELOR OF ARTS (Hons) in Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy

Learn more at our next online information evening

Thursday June 15th from 7pm - 8pm


NFQ Level 8.


240 ECTS


Coláiste Chiaráin, Summerhill, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, N37 AH97

GCI House, Salthill, Co. Galway, H91 CDW4

Zest Life College, Earlscourt Industrial Estate, 1a Beaumont Ave, Churchtown Upper, Dublin 14. D14 E0F4


September 2024. 


4 Years, Part Time

Learning Outcomes

The programme aims and learning outcomes provide adult learners with the opportunity to explore and develop their interest in the field of holistic counselling and psychotherapy and to, thereby, develop into competent, compassionate, ethical, professional practitioners.


Athlone and Galway: 
Delivered every second weekend during the academic year; Saturday and Sunday (9.30am-5.00pm).

Clinical Practice support may be scheduled on a Friday evening.

The programme runs 1 midweek day every week during the academic year. Clinical Practice/In-house Supervision sessions may be scheduled for an alternative evening.
(10am – 5pm)

Contact [email protected] for further timetable information


Entry is by submission of an Application Form and all applicants are subject to interview. All participants on this programme will be required to undertake National Vetting procedures (Form NVB1) prior to commencing their Clinical Practice. NOTE: Health screening may additionally be required.

Learner Protection

Learner protection for this programme is provided in accordance with Part 6 of the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012

Course Fees

Fees for this programme are comparative to those for similar programmes delivered nationwide.

Course Fees:  €4,300 per annum
Course Fees include –
Processing of Garda Vetting
Professional Insurance for clinical work as a
trainee counsellor/psychotherapist.

Fees may increase in line with consumer price index. 

Please note that an additional QQI Certification Fee of €200 also applies in the final year Payment plan options are available for learners – please contact [email protected] for more information.

Interview Dates

Please contact [email protected] to enquire about other upcoming dates.

Additional Costs

Please note that there are also additional costs for mandatory associated programme activities.

Graduate Stories

In this short video hear what Oisin Moloughney a recent ICPPD graduate had to say about his experience as a student on the Bachelor of arts (Hons) in Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy.

Programme Aims

The main aims of this 4-year, part-time, Level 8 Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy are to provide adult learners with the opportunity to explore and develop their interest in the field of holistic counselling and psychotherapy and to, thereby, become competent, compassionate, ethical, professional practitioners. At ICPPD, self-awareness is seen as vital to personal and professional development and is encouraged and promoted throughout this and all programmes offered.

Programme Objectives
The objectives of this 4-year Level 8 programme are to:

  • Develop and expand the learner’s self-awareness, knowledge, skills and clinical experience through engagement with, and experiential immersion in, the programme
  • Provide comprehensive education and training in the theory, skills and related therapeutic processes required for holistic counselling and psychotherapy practice
  • Enable the learner to explore and deepen their knowledge of mental health issues, including addiction, and trauma-related matters, supported with an awareness of the complex ethical implications and good practice involved
  • Introduce and broaden learner’s comprehension and experience of the use of creative processes and bodywork in holistic counselling and psychotherapy
  • Promote evidence-based practice through robust research in the field of holistic counselling and psychotherapy
  • Facilitate the learner in achieving relevant client work to meet requirements of theQQI Awards Standards – Counselling and Psychotherapy (2014)

“People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset, I don't find myself saying, "Soften the orange a bit on the right hand corner." I don't try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds.”

“The add on year 4 has been a wonderful experience, ICPPD provided a space to deepen, explore and develop from the core training. The modules integrate both experiential and academic learning, linking the theory to the lived experience beautifully. The tutors all bring their own style of teaching and each module encourages creativity in how we learn, meeting the different needs in the group. My learning has been rich with the environment encouraging and welcoming diversity, experience and perspectives. Personally and professionally I will leave this year in gratitude and abundance; friends, learning, connection, creativity.”

Olivia Feehan, 1 year add-on, Bachelor of  Arts (Hons) in Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy, 2018/2019.

Since its foundation, ICPPD has taken the steps necessary to ensure the delivery of a quality service in an environment that is characterised by an attitude to adult learners that is supportive and encouraging. We aim to provide an experience of learning that will develop in learners a hunger for both heart-centred wisdom and critical analysis. Our programmes are designed to be participative, experiential and to draw whenever possible on prior lived experience. The programme’s academic value is enhanced by a learning environment that is warm, vibrant, and genuine. Learners and staff interact in a mutual effort to engage in and promote the concept of lifelong learning. ICPPD’s holistic ethos underpins all interaction. This programme has been designed and is delivered, by staff who are passionate and inspired about the merit of personal development and excellence in professional counselling and psychotherapy training and education.

Related Cources

ICPPD reserves the right to cancel, suspend or modify in any way the matters contained in this publication.

The College reserves the right to amend the list of modules being offered for any programme.

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy

Now accepting applications for september 2025-2026

Credits: 240 ECTS 

Award: Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy

Athlone – Coláiste Chiaráin, Summerhill, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, N37 AH97

Galway – Galway Business School, GCI House, Salthill, Co. Galway, H91 CDW4

Dublin – Zestlife, Earlscourt Industrial Estate, 1a Beaumont Avenue, Churchtown Upper, Dublin 14, D14 E0F45

Commencement: September 2025

Duration: 4 Years, part-time

Course Fee: €4,400* per annum. Payment plan options are available for learners – please contact [email protected] for more information. Course fees include Professional Indemnity Insurance for Clinical Practice and Garda Vetting fee.

Our Next Online Information Evening for this Course is 20/02/2025

When an applicant accepts a place on an ICPPD programme, any fees paid become subject to ICPPD’s Financial Terms & Conditions, which are outlined in the
 ICPPD’s Quality Assurance policies

ICPPD attracts people who appreciate a holistic perspective (link to new page) to helping and healing. Courses at ICPPD are  person-centred and holistic with emphasis on creativity and scholarly activity. As more clients of today seek a holistic approach to matters of health and well-being, the ICPPD graduate practitioner of this programme will be well-placed to meet this emerging need.

This BA (Honours) in Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy programme is rooted in the humanistic tradition and the focus is on meeting the learner on a physical, cognitive, emotional, spiritual and behavioural level.

It will appeal to people who wish to pursue a career as professional counsellors and psychotherapists, or for those who have an opportunity to use counselling skills as part of their work. The programme is for a variety of professionals who wish to augment and build upon previous training. It is also suitable for life-long learners or second-chance learners returning to education in adult life.

  • Persons who wish to embark on a career in counselling and psychotherapy
  • Persons who are seeking a recognised , accredited academic qualification
  • Those who have completed a course of study, or experienced profound personal insights, and yearn for greater knowledge, structure and experiences leading to a professional qualification
  • Anyone seeking a holistic understanding of the human condition, intimacy, and meaning in life
  • Any person who wants to expand and deepen their communication skills to enhance their current professional and personal life
  • Health professionals and service providers such as doctors, complementary medical therapists, nurses, teachers, Gardaí, allied health professionals, ambulance officers, solicitors and others who are interacting with the public daily and wish to improve their interpersonal skills and self-awareness
  • Those who seek a high level of skills which are effective in stimulating and supporting transformative change and community building

Programme Aims

The main aims of this 4-year, Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy (NFQ Level 8) are to provide adult learners with the opportunity to explore and develop their interest in the field of holistic counselling and psychotherapy and to, thereby, become competent, compassionate, ethical, professional practitioners. At ICPPD, self-awareness is seen as vital to personal and professional development and is encouraged and promoted throughout this and all programmes offered.

Programme Objectives

The objectives of the programme are to:

  • Develop and expand the learner’s self-awareness, knowledge, skills and clinical experience through engagement with, and experiential immersion in, the programme
  • Provide comprehensive education and training in the theory, skills and related therapeutic processes required for holistic counselling and psychotherapy practice
  • Enable the learner to explore and deepen their knowledge of mental health issues, including addiction, and trauma-related matters, supported with an awareness of the complex ethical implications and good practice involved
  • Introduce and broaden learners’ comprehension and experience of the use of creative processes and bodywork in holistic counselling and psychotherapy
  • Promote evidence-based practice through robust research in the field of holistic counselling and psychotherapy


Learning outcomes:

The learning outcomes for the programme have been devised to reflect the needs of target learners in terms of their expectations in acquiring the knowledge, skill and competence to enter the counselling and psychotherapy profession while also meeting the professional requirements of the accrediting professional body ensuring that on completion of the programme, graduates have the requirements to pursue professional accreditation routes. IACP Accredited Membership Route).


This programme supports participants to develop self-awareness, knowledge, skills and competencies of counselling and psychotherapy from a person-centred perspective and is unique in its holistic, spiritual, creative focus.

The programme consists of the following modules:

Year 1

Learning to Learn
*Personal Development
Introduction to Theory of Counselling and Psychotherapy
*Person-Centred Approach
Counselling Skills and Practice
Lifespan Development and the Journey Principle
*Holistic Approaches
Cognitive Behavioural Approaches
Group Process

Year 2

*Gestalt Approach
Ethics and Legal Issues
Research Skills
Loss and Bereavement
Advanced Counselling Skills
*Psychodynamic Perspectives
Group Process

Year 3

*Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy
Abnormal Psychology and Mental Health issues
Family and Systemic Processes
Professional Development
Research Methods
Group Process
Clinical Practice 1

Year 4

*Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy
*Trauma and Body Psychotherapy
Understanding Psychopathology
Research Project
Clinical Practice 2

*The holistic focus is emphasised in these modules across the four-year programme.

ICPPD reserves the right to amend the list of modules being offered on this programme.

Programme Delivery

ICPPD is committed to delivering the BA (Honours) in Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy programme in an experiential classroom environment. The preferred mode of delivery is in face-to-face delivery however in compliance with and following guidance of IACP and QQI requirements, or in extraordinary circumstances, an online class environment may partially facilitate synchronous delivery of the programme.


This Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy, 4-year, NFQ Level 8 programme ( 240 ECTS) is validated by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) and accredited by IACP.

NOTE: Learners who successfully complete the Year 1 of the programme and who no longer wish to continue their studies on this programme may apply for an exit award of Certificate in Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy, 60 ECTS, NFQ Level 6, Minor Award.

Learning & Teaching Strategies:

The experiential environment and holistic focus of this programme support academic frameworks and theoretical input. The programme and individual module learning outcomes are achieved through varied learning and teaching methodologies for example:

  • Class Presentations
  • Holistic Reflections
  • External Clinical Supervision
  • In-House Group Supervision
  • Creative Portfolios /Projects/Exercises
  • Discussion Groups
  • Journalling
  • Workshops – Dream Work – Active Imagination – Genograms – Body Work – Creative Arts Practice
  • Recorded Skills Practice
  • Skills Practice  in Dyads/Triads
  • Formal and informal Feedback
  • External Academic Research Supervision
  • Group Exercises
  • Reflective Practice
  • Independent Learning
  • Modelling/Demonstration by Lecturer
  • Reflective Journaling
  • Reports
  • Research
  • Role Play
  • Study Groups


Assessment Strategies:

Assessment Strategies for this programme include:

  • Keeping reflective journals during the programme
  • Creative portfolios.
  • In-class Presentations
  • Written essays, assignments, reports and reflective pieces.
  • Role-playing and scenarios demonstrating holistic counselling and psychotherapy skills.
  • Ongoing and continuous formative assessment by tutors
  • Development of a Research Project


Academic Resources

ICPPD uses Moodle, a virtual learning environment (VLE), to disseminate class material and share course-related resources, as well as news, assignment details, discussion fora, etc.

The College also provides access to EBSCO e-Library, e-Journal and other resources through Moodle. These resources facilitate the support of learners at outreach centres, and through out-of-hours times.

Learners will be shown how to access these facilities at their Induction session and in the first module of Year 1.

Zoom is the platform used for delivery of virtual synchronous classes.

Academic Writing Workshops

Academic Writing Workshops are provided free of charge at the commencement of the Academic Year covering areas including Academic Writing Conventions, Critical Thinking, Formatting and Presentation, Referencing, use of Moodle and  accessing Library facilities.

Admission Criteria:

Entry Requirements

Application is limited to mature learners who have evidence of a minimum of ONE of the following:

  • being a professional working in the field, or related disciplines
  • being able to demonstrate a level of maturity of being able to reflect on their personal development experience (evidenced through a portfolio of prior learning, personal development, life experience, community work, etc)
  • successful completion of an Introduction to Counselling and Psychotherapy programme, or equivalent
  • successful completion of an Irish Leaving Certificate (with 5 O6/H7s (ord/ pass), including English and Maths), or equivalent.

Where English is the applicants second language, they must provide acceptable proof of English proficiency. The English language proficiency tests and scores which are considered acceptable for ICPPD programmes is 6.5 IELTS, or equivalent. ( )

Applicants are also required to have appropriate IT skills to facilitate their engagement with the programme and have a computer with internet access to facilitate completion of assessments and some online delivery of programmes if scheduled.

ICPPD is responsible for ensuring learners’ ongoing Fitness to Practice, in terms of health, behaviour and character. Therefore, progression through the programme is at the discretion of the College.


Entry is by submission of an Application Form (link) and all applicants are subject to interview. All participants on this programme will be required to undertake National Vetting procedures (Form NVB1) prior to commencing their Clinical Practice.

NOTE: Health screening may additionally be required.

Academic and Professional Requirements

In addition to meeting the academic requirements of the programme, learners are required to meet all of the relevant professional requirements, including those which determine fitness to practice.

Personal Therapy

Learners are required to have completed a minimum of 80 sessions of personal counselling with an acceptable accredited therapist during the 4 years of this programme. A minimum of 20 hours in each academic year is required and a minimum of 40 sessions of which must be completed before clinical work commences.

Note: An additional fee is payable by the learner for personal therapy (to the therapist).


During Clinical Practice, learners are required to complete 1 hour of supervision for every 5 hours of client work, with a minimum of 1 supervision session/month.

By the end of year 4, learners are required to have completed a minimum of 24 supervision hours and 1-hour initial consultation with an acceptable accredited external supervisor.

Note: An additional fee is payable by the learner for supervision (to their external clinical supervisor).

ICPPD also provides in-house group supervision, as required by the professional accrediting  body (IACP).

Additional Integrated Personal Development

During the programme, learners are invited to participate in and lead mini reflections/retreats as part of their creative and spiritual development. Throughout the first 3 years of the programme learners participate in, and experience group process as part of their personal and professional development.

Integration Retreat Day

A mandatory Integration  retreat day will  be secluded at the end of year 4. This will incur an additional fee which will be advised during Year 4.

Clinical Placement

From the beginning of Year 3 to the end of Year 4, learners are required to have completed 120 client sessions, under supervision in a suitable placement. ICPPD provides Professional Indemnity Insurance cover for learners while on Clinical Practice as part of the programme. As part of, and to support, Clinical Practice ICPPD provides In-House Supervision, with an accredited supervisor, as required by IACP/professional bodies.

Research Supervision

ICPPD provides external research supervision to learners in Year 4, during the Research Module.

Protection of Enrolled Learners

QQI only validates programmes of education or training where a provider has met specific conditions and criteria. One of these conditions relates to arrangements for the protection of enrolled learners. Protection of Enrolled Learners (PEL) aims to safeguard a learner’s academic journey. ICPPD provides learner protection for this programme by financial bonding, in accordance with Part 6 of the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012

IACP Accreditation

Registration with Professional Bodies

Successful qualification from the programme does not equate to professional registration. It is recommended that prospective learners check the criteria of any professional body to which they may wish to seek future accreditation.

This IACP link illustrates the route to professional accreditation and membership of IACP (Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) –

QQI Validation

National Award Standards – Counselling and Psychotherapy

In 2014 Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI published Award Standards for programmes leading to qualifications in Counselling & Psychotherapy at varying levels of the National Framework of Qualifications.

The publication of these standards represents the most significant development in terms of the professionalization of Counselling and Psychotherapy in recent years. Most of the Professional Associations in Counselling & Psychotherapy in Ireland agreed in 2008 that Degree and Masters level qualifications will be the future minimum requirements for entry to the professions of Counselling & Psychotherapy. These recommendations are likely to inform the standards which will apply when Counselling & Psychotherapy become regulated by CORU, and the titles of Counsellor and Psychotherapist become protected in law.


This Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy, 4-year, NFQ-Level 8 programme – 240 ECTS – is validated by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) and accredited by IACP.

“People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset, I don't find myself saying, "Soften the orange a bit on the right hand corner." I don't try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds.”

Carl R. Rogers, A Way of Being

What Our Learners Say

Who better to tell you about the college than the learners themselves

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International College for Personal and Professional Development

An Coláiste Idirnáisiúnta D’fhorbairt Pearsanta Agus Proifisiúnta

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