Diploma in Expressive Arts for Professionals

10-day (60 CPD hours), part-time, holistic programme

Learn more at our next online information evening

Thursday Aug. 3rd from 7pm - 7:30pm

Programme Facilitator

Keshet Zur, MA Expressive Arts Therapy,

Co-founder and co-director of Expressive Arts Ireland. Keshet is a registered member of the Irish Association of Creative Art Therapists and the European Federation of Art Therapy


September 30th, 2023


Athlone: Coláiste Chiaráin, Summerhill, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, N37 AH97


60 hour part-time course delivered over 10 days


Delivered on weekends, Saturday and Sundays, from 10.00am – 5.00pm. Contact [email protected] for timetable

Course Fees

€1,500 which includes cost of art materials

Payment plan options are available for learners – please contact [email protected] for more information.

This Diploma in Expressive Arts programme is aimed at professionals who wish to enhance their current practice in the use of expressive arts, or those who wish to integrate the academic and practical applications of the creative process into their therapeutic work with people. The programme is experiential in nature and the focus is on personal exploration using expressive arts techniques.

"I believe that creativity is like freedom, once you taste it, you can’t do without it. It is a transformative and healing process."

“Throughout the 6 weekends I always felt the work I did came from me, and in no way was dictated or directed by the facilitator. I was guided and supported by them and that was really important to me. As a result, my art, and that of all the other 9 participants, was original, authentic and was always respected. Over the following weekends we painted, sculpted, moved, danced, wrote, cried, laughed, let all our sounds out, and great discussions took place and work was done, as trust was built in the group. This was not just a verbal form of expression, or a discussion of what the theory of expressive arts is about, no, it was an experience of getting down and doing the work ourselves; it was a way of showing us up-close how to bring this to our clients. After each piece of work the group came together and each person shared what the picture or piece that they had completed meant to them.”
- Mitzie Murphy

Since its foundation, ICPPD has taken the steps necessary to ensure the delivery of a quality service in an environment that is characterised by an attitude to adult learners that is supportive and encouraging. We aim to provide an experience of learning that will develop in learners a hunger for both heart-centred wisdom and critical analysis. Our programmes are designed to be participative, experiential and to draw whenever possible on prior lived experience. The programme’s academic value is enhanced by a learning environment that is warm, vibrant, and genuine. Learners and staff interact in a mutual effort to engage in and promote the concept of lifelong learning. ICPPD’s holistic ethos underpins all interaction. This programme has been designed and is delivered, by staff who are passionate and inspired about the merit of personal development and excellence in professional counselling and psychotherapy training and education.

Related Cources

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The College reserves the right to amend the list of modules being offered for any programme.

Diploma in Expressive Arts for Professionals

Credits: 60 CPD Points

Award: Participants who successfully complete the programme will be awarded ICPPD’s Diploma in Expressive Arts for Professionals 

Athlone – Coláiste Chiaráin, Summerhill, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, N37 AH97

Commencement: October 2024

Duration: 60 hour, part-time, course delivered over 10 days 10.00am to 5.00pm each day

Course Fee: €1,500 (includes Art Materials) Payment plan options are available for learners – please contact [email protected] for more information. Application Deposit €350.00 (non-refundable)

Our Next Online Information Evening for this Course is Friday, 13 September 2024

When an applicant accepts a place on an ICPPD programme, any fees paid become subject to ICPPD’s Financial Terms & Conditions, which are outlined in the
 ICPPD’s Quality Assurance policies

"I believe that creativity is like freedom, once you taste it, you can’t do without it. It is a transformative and healing process."

Natalie Rogers (PhD, REAT, Pioneer and Leader in field of Expressive Arts Therapy 1928-2015)

What Our Learners Say

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