
Reclaiming Our Lost Sense of Self

How can our practice help us develop a healthy and full sense of self? How can we come to true self? There are several aspects


Grateful In Spite Of Pain

Helping individuals cultivate gratefulness to change their relationship to physical pain from one of emotional suffering to acceptance has been the heart of my work.


How to Avoid Empathy Burnout

Caregivers can benefit by understanding a patient’s pain without feeling it themselves.When Allison Basinger got back to her office, she lay down on the floor,


Mindfulness and Vipassana Meditation

I spent time in Thailand, in a monastery to experience meditation and specifically Vipassana Meditation. Vipassana meditation is the centrepiece of the teachings of Buddhism,


The Dance – A Reflection!

All ICPPD classes on the BA in Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy education and training course begin with a Reflection. This 3-5 minute Reflection is an